Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life?


Your “best self” is waiting to meet you!

I’m a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach , Fitness Competitor and a Published Model/Writer

Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life?



Your “best self” is waiting to meet you!

I’m a Certified Personal Trainer, Writer,

Figure Competitor & Nutrition Coach

Laura Jackson is a Can Fit Pro Personal Trainer Specialist, A Level 1 Precision Nutrition Coach and a Culinary Nutrition Expert. She also holds an IDFA Pro Card in the Figure division.

Hi there — Thanks so much for stopping by!

My name is Laura Jackson. As a certified personal trainer, nutrition coach and fitness competitor, my goal is to inspire and empower you to become the best version of yourself.

To be perfectly honest, I haven’t always looked the part or lived the lifestyle of a fitness professional. In fact, I didn’t become passionate about helping other women until I experienced my own life-changing transformation.

In less than a year, I dropped over 20 lbs, entered a fitness competition and stepped on stage with a six pack of abs. Looking back, this was much more than a physical transformation. This was about getting to know who I was at my core and realizing that I didn’t actually have poor genetics; I simply had bad habits and a limiting mindset. Now, at 44 years old, I'm proud to say: "I'm in the best shape of my life" --- and you can be too!

I can still recall flipping through fitness magazines and thinking that the women were blessed with great bodies — I honestly never imagined I could look like them. But once I let go of this story, I not only achieved the body and health of my dreams, but I also landed my own features in fitness magazines!

I believe I manifested this once I was able to let go of the outcome and envision whom I had to become to achieve my goal.

This didn't happen overnight --- it took consistent daily action and unwavering belief in myself. I had to change who I was on the inside to match who I was on the outside. To experience this shift, I immersed myself in meditation, affirmations, books, podcasts, courses and seminars. I also surrounded myself with those who already had what I wanted to achieve. I became fascinated by the power of my own thoughts and how they affected by results in the gym.

In fact, the benefit of achieving a health and fitness goal goes much deeper than what we see in the mirror. The confidence you gain from a positive self-image and optimal health can change the entire trajectory of your life.

If you're ready to get started on your own journey, I offer a variety of programs and training options based on your individual needs and goals. These include: one-on-one training sessions in my boutique studio located in Toronto; customized app programs that you can do on your own (gym or home-based); one-on-one zoom workouts and group transformation challenges. In each of my programs I assist with goal planning, accountability, programming, nutrition/meals, supplements, and of course, mindset. I promise to be with you every step of the way.

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself? I can’t wait to meet you!

Hi there — Thanks so much for stopping by!

My name is Laura Jackson. As a certified personal trainer, nutrition coach and fitness competitor, my goal is to inspire and empower you to become the best version of yourself. At 44 years old, I can honestly say I’m in the best shape of my life. Over the past 12 years, I’ve stepped on stage nearly 20 times as a fitness competitor. Each time I do this, I strengthen my belief in what’s possible. This experience has shown me that the only limits in life are the limits we put on ourselves. So no matter what your age or stage of life, it’s never too late to get started on your fitness journey.

But to be perfectly honest, I haven’t always looked the part or lived the lifestyle of a fitness professional. In fact, I didn’t become passionate about helping other women until I experienced my own life-changing transformation.

After I finished university, I worked in journalism and communications. My “dream job” put me behind a desk for several hours a day, where I lived off take-out food and double double coffees.
By the time I turned 30, I gained a significant amount of weight, developed chronic acid reflux and a mysterious tailbone pain that prevented me from exercising. I no longer recognized myself in the mirror. I was highly addicted to sugar, my clothes were tight and I had a tummy, which I hid behind
baggy tops.

This was my “rock bottom” and the moment I knew something needed to change. The worst part of all was the impact this had on my self-confidence and body image. How we feel about ourselves affects everything.

In less than a year, I dropped over 20 lbs, entered a fitness competition and stepped on stage with a six pack of abs. Looking back, this was much more than a physical transformation. This was about getting to know who I was at my core and realizing that I didn’t have poor genetics after all;
I sim ply had bad habits!

I can still recall flipping through fitness magazines in my early 20’s and thinking that the women must be blessed with great bodies — I honestly never imagined I could look like them. By setting a goal to see my abs and following through on my commitment, I proved to myself that I could accomplish just about anything. But unfortunately the willpower I used to get there wasn’t enough to sustain my results. Finally, after years of losing and re-gaining the weight, I eventually experienced a shift in my mindset. I realized I had to change my identity to match my new habits. I was now a woman who ate clean and exercised because I loved the way it made me feel (not because I had to do it). It was a choice; and this made all the difference. I no longer saw it as “missing out” on life. I felt empowered by my new habits and way of living.

You may have come here to lose weight, rock a bikini, improve your eating habits or to simply feel better. That’s amazing! I believe goals are an essential part of life. Not only do they inspire us, but they also foster growth. Through my own personal experience and transformation journey, I’ve learned that the benefits of achieving a health and fitness goal go much deeper than what we see in the mirror. When you show up for yourself, you show up for life and others in a whole new way. I’ve also become fascinated by the power of our thoughts and how they affect our results in the gym. I can definitely give you kick-butt workouts and a nutrition plan that will help you get a flat tummy. But in order to achieve long-lasting results, you will likely need to shift any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. In other words, before you hit the treadmill, you may need to consider a mindset makeover. If you’ve ever struggled to lose weight, change your lifestyle habits or simply love yourself when you look in the mirror, you’re definitely not alone. But from my own personal experience and years of coaching women, I’m confident you too can experience a life-changing transformation both inside and out.

I offer a variety of programs and training options based on your individual needs and goals. These include: one-on-one training sessions in my boutique studio located in Toronto; customized app programs that you can do on your own (gym or home-based); one-on-one zoom workouts and group transformation challenges. In each of my programs I assist with goal planning, accountability, programming, nutrition/meals, supplements, and of course, mindset!

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself? I can’t wait to meet you!

Transformation Program Options

It’s time to make a change and become the best version of yourself!

One-on-One Coaching

(online & in-person)

With over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry, Laura has the
expertise to ensure you achieve your health and fitness goals.

She creates customized workouts and meal plans based on your goals, body type, lifestyle, food preferences and fitness level.

But more than this, she will ensure you stay accountable and continue to progress by updating your program and checking in weekly. She will also help you to identify anything that may be standing in your way from becoming your best self.

Laura is available to assist you both online and in-person (at her boutique studio in Toronto).



Get healthy, support local and give back.

The 30-day transformation challenge will

empower you to make significant lifestyle changes that will likely stick with you long-term. But the best part of all is that you won’t be alone! In fact, we believe this is why our challenge participants are so successful. You will be supported by an awesome tribe of women, who are also eager to achieve their goals. Plus you will have the opportunity

to support small, local businesses and a

charitable cause that supports women. And who doesn’t love free stuff? You also have the chance to win some amazing prizes. These “feel good” challenges are so much fun! Click here to learn more!

All one-on-one coaching programs include

access to my training app.

My Coaching Program Options

Client Success Stories

I reached my goal and loved my “bathing suit body” for the Bahamas. I would most definitely recommend and have recommended this program to family and friends.
It was fun, informative and best of all — it worked.
I not only lost the weight but I learned how to maintain my results over time.

Krista M, Age 37

My weight loss journey has been a long one. I used to gain and lose the same 10 lbs every year. But my new lifestyle has given me so much more energy, along with increased self-esteem and confidence.
I feel good in my clothes. I’m happier knowing my body is strong.
My kids see me work out and want to join in. We are becoming a healthier family because of this.

Claudia V, Age 40

I lost 12 lbs through Four Weeks of Fat Blasting. I have to say, I feel a lot better about myself. I’ve regained some of the confidence that was buried under the excess weight. I’ve learned that with a bit of creativity, you can still make really interesting, healthy meals. I enjoyed learning new ways to prepare food. I’m also amazed by how much can be accomplished with an exercise ball and hand weights! I’ve learned some new ways to use these tools that I’ve had around forever.

Christine J, Age 45

It didn’t take long for Laura to convince me to step on stage in a fitness competition. However, I don’t really know how she was able to convince me to wear a bikini on stage as I hadn’t worn one in years. But I found myself going back to my days as a professional basketball player and got “in the zone”.

Laura mimicked all of the good coaches I ever had. I didn’t feel she pressured me. In fact, we took it slow. As I started to see my body respond through a combination of nutrition and solid workouts, I began to trust in her and the process.

Sandra H,
Age 53

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